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Transit Alert! Neptune Retrograde in Pisces July 2, 2024

A reality check from the universe with a sprinkle of stardust

Neptune ➡ Retrograde in Pisces

July2, 2024 3:39am PT

Until December 7, 2024

Picture this: you're trying to walk a straight line, but Neptune retrograde just turned it into a wobbly tightrope over a pool of glittering illusions. Prepare to stumble, laugh, and maybe even face-plant into some harsh truths, all while looking fabulous!

Dive into Neptune Retrograde Madness! From July 2 to December 7, Neptune’s doing the moonwalk in Pisces, and let’s just say—it’s gonna get wild!

Reality Check! Get ready to rip off those rose-tinted glasses. This retrograde is the universe’s way of saying, "Wake up, dreamer!" No more seeing things how you wish they were; it’s time to face the truth.

Mind Games Unmasked! Our intuition might feel a bit off, but guess what? It’s like we’ve been handed a backstage pass to see the manipulation and mind games coming from a mile away.

Emotional Rollercoaster! Sure, we’ll still get lost in the feels, but now we’re more aware of emotional traps. Spot the red flags and dodge those toxic vibes!

Deception Detox! Be wary of self-deception. Wanting to believe the best in people is noble, but don’t let it blind you to reality.

Dream Big, Stay Grounded! Dreams are still powerful, but keep one foot on the ground. Want to be a rockstar? Start with those guitar lessons!

The Divine Discontent! Neptune’s like a siren calling us to explore deep desires and discontent. Embrace the pivot—change is your superpower!

Inner Journeys! Neptune retrograde is perfect for introspection. Dive into your own depths and discover hidden truths.

Artistic Awakening! Tap into your inner artist. Let your imagination run wild and create something magical.

Fantasy vs. Reality! Find the balance between dreams and reality. Ground your visions with practical steps.

Boundaries, Baby! Prioritize self-care and set those boundaries. Your well-being comes first!

Community Love! Join group therapy, humanitarian causes, or local communities to feel connected and heal together.

Art Therapy! Take an art class or join a meditation group. Creativity and mindfulness are your allies.

Talk It Out! Discuss your feelings with friends and family. You’re not alone—share the load.

Assert Your Vision! Believe in your dreams and make them a reality. Embrace your inner visionary.

Navigate the Deep! Neptune retrograde encourages exploring uncharted waters. Embrace the unknown and trust your journey.

Personal Power! Realize your power to change your destiny. You’re in control, captain!

Emotional Awareness! Heightened awareness helps you spot manipulation and steer clear. Stay sharp!

Self-Care Rituals! Create rituals that nurture your soul. Pamper yourself—you deserve it!

Cosmic Wisdom! Embrace the cosmic lessons and let Neptune guide you to deeper understanding and growth.

So, what’s the wildest dream you’ve had during Neptune retrograde? Drop your stories in the comments! Don’t forget to follow me for more cosmic insights and book a reading to uncover your unique astrological path. Let’s navigate the stars together!

- Iris

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