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Transit Alert! Neptune Retrograde in Pisces July 2, 2024: Impact by Rising Signs

Here’s what Neptune's retrograde period means for you based on your rising sign.

Neptune goes Retrograde in Pisces

July 2,2024 3:39am PT until December 7, 2024

Ah, Neptune, the master of dreams and deception, is retrograding in Pisces. Our intuition might feel like it's on a coffee break, forcing us to see things as they are, not as we wish they’d be. It’s like getting a reality check from the universe, but with a sprinkle of stardust. Here’s what Neptune’s retrograde period means for you based on your rising sign.

♈️ Aries Rising

Ever felt like you’re swimming through a foggy dreamscape? Well, get ready, because Neptune is going retrograde in Pisces, inviting you on a mystical journey through your 12th House of the Unconscious. This is your cosmic invitation to slow down and reconnect with your divine self.

Imagine this: You’ve been on a slow-burning spiritual journey for years, whether you’ve realized it or not. Now, Neptune’s retrograde is like a spiritual pit stop, a chance to integrate all those deep soul expansions you’ve been experiencing. Your intuition is about to get a major workout, so listen up! Your dreams could hold the keys to where you need to focus your energy. Pay attention, Aries Rising, because those nocturnal visions are about to get real insightful.

This retrograde is all about healing past wounds. It's time to dust off that journal, try out meditation, or dive into a new hobby that connects you with your spiritual side. This is your moment for some peaceful personal growth, a rarity for our impulsive Aries friends.

Picture this: Your dreams are more vivid and poignant than ever. It’s like the universe is sending you nightly memos. Don’t just hit snooze—take note and see how you can turn those dream insights into reality.

Aries Rising, this period is less about the hustle and more about the flow. It’s about tuning out the mental chatter and tapping into your inner wisdom. The cosmos are giving you a gentle nudge to reconnect with yourself on a deeper level.

Feeling like a spiritual Sherlock Holmes yet? Good. Use this time to uncover the mysteries within. Embrace the quiet, the stillness, and let your inner voice guide you. This isn't about grand gestures but the subtle, profound shifts that lead to true transformation.

So, take a deep breath, slow down, and dive into the dreamy depths of Neptune’s retrograde. Your soul’s been waiting for this. Ready to unlock your inner mystic and embrace your authentic self? Let’s navigate this cosmic journey together.

♉️ Taurus Rising

Neptune's going retrograde in Pisces and turning your social life into a cosmic cocktail party. Neptune’s magic is sprinkled all over your 11th house, making it the perfect time to boost your networking game. Feeling like a small fish in a huge pond? Not anymore!

This retrograde is your golden ticket to understanding your place in the grand scheme of things. Whether you're navigating your work team, social crew, or community, it's time to zoom out and see the big picture. How are you shining in your groups? This period is all about figuring that out.

Ready for some cosmic clarity? Neptune's retrograde helps you shed those pesky insecurities. You'll find yourself feeling more at ease with your current friends and more open to making new ones. It's like the universe is giving you a social glow-up!

July isn't just about chilling; it's also about healing. Neptune's vibes encourage you to revisit old ventures, especially those that align with your community and humanitarian goals. Commit to those projects and watch as you connect with others on a deeper level.

Think of this time as a cosmic detox for your social life. Clear out the old, embrace the new, and let your true self shine. You'll find yourself naturally drawn to doing good deeds and contributing to society in meaningful ways.

Neptune’s retrograde is like a spiritual spa day for your social self. Take this opportunity to get comfy in your own skin and let go of unnecessary insecurities. You'll emerge more comfortable in your friendships and more open to forming new, meaningful connections.

Feeling the urge to connect with more people on a professional level? Go for it! This retrograde is the perfect time to expand your network and lay the groundwork for future career success.

So, Taurus Rising, let’s make the most of this cosmic networking event. Embrace the healing vibes, connect with your community, and shine your unique light.

♊️ Gemini Rising

Neptune hits reverse in your 10th House of your profession and social status, and things are about to get interesting. Neptune’s been doing a number on your career clarity, but now, the fog is lifting, and you can finally see the road ahead.

This transit is your chance to let those visionary ideas of yours shine. But here's the kicker: don’t just let your creativity run wild. Channel it into something tangible that will build your legacy. It's time to align your heart and spirit with your work. If you’re feeling like your career path is a bit of a mystery, take some time to meditate on what you truly want to achieve. Clarity is just around the corner.

Expect some big changes at work. This retrograde is all about reflection and making some tough calls about your professional image. It's the perfect moment to set boundaries and focus your energy on hitting those long-term career and financial goals.

Feeling a bit lost? No worries! Use this time to get in touch with what really matters to you. Your career trajectory is about to get a major overhaul. Embrace it! Reflect on where you’ve been and where you want to go. The universe is giving you a nudge to make some serious moves.

This isn’t just about dreaming big; it's about making those dreams work for you. Take your creative genius and pour it into projects that matter. Your career is your canvas, and it’s time to paint a masterpiece that truly reflects who you are.

Ready to redefine your public image? This is your moment to shine, Gemini Rising. Set those boundaries, focus on your goals, and let your unique vision lead the way. The path may have been foggy, but now it’s clearing up, and it’s your time to step into the spotlight.

So, gear up and get ready for a career glow-up like no other.

♋️ Cancer Rising

Neptune takes a U-turn in your 9th House of philosophy, and things are about to get introspective. You've been on a spiritual shopping spree, picking up every mystical idea and consciousness-altering concept you could find. But now, it’s time to decide what’s treasure and what’s just sparkly fluff.

During this period, you’re going to sift through your philosophical finds and figure out what truly resonates with your soul. Sure, exploring new beliefs and perspectives is great, but now it's time to adopt the ones that really make your heart sing. Being a philosophical tourist is fun, but now it’s time to settle down and plant some roots in the beliefs that truly matter to you.

Expect some deep, mind-expanding moments. Neptune retrograde is like a cosmic lens, helping you see beyond your usual emotional bubble. You'll start seeing the big picture and might even feel inspired to pick up a new skill or dive into some higher learning.

This is a powerful time for you, sentimental Cancer rising. You’ll be swimming in your feelings, and every decision will come straight from the heart. It's all about living authentically and making choices that align with your true self.

So, get ready to explore the depths of your soul and refine your philosophical outlook on life. Whether it's a new belief system or a fresh way of thinking, embrace what truly resonates with you. This is your moment to define your own path and live by your values.

Feeling all the feels and ready to dive deep into your own personal philosophy? This retrograde is your chance to do just that. Make this time about you and what you truly believe.

♌️ Leo Rising

Neptune is retrograding through your 8th House, inviting you to dive deep into matters of intimacy and shared resources. Buckle up, because this transit is all about getting real with yourself and making some serious changes.

First things first, take a hard look at your financial situation. No more pretending that everything’s fine while bills pile up. It's time to face the music and get your money matters in order. Whether you need to call in a financial advisor or just make a budget, now's the time to do it.

Next up, your relationships. If there have been issues simmering under the surface with close friends, spouses, or partners, Neptune retrograde is your cue to address them. Use this period to mend fences and strengthen those bonds. It's a golden opportunity to take stock of what’s working and what’s not in your personal life.

Feeling a shift in your libido? That’s Neptune retrograde at work, too. Don’t stress about it; just go with the flow and embrace whatever changes come your way. This is also a time to let your spiritual beliefs evolve. Allow yourself to grow and change without guilt or fear.

Got some tough or uncomfortable stuff weighing on your heart? Stop shoving it to the back of the closet. Whether it’s money stress, unspoken relationship woes, or just general fears, now is the time to address them head-on. Neptune retrograde is all about clarity, so take advantage of it.

Strengthen your boundaries. You'll start seeing where they might be a bit too flimsy. This newfound clarity will help you build stronger, healthier connections with those around you.

Watch your spending. It might be tough to grasp your finances during this period, but awareness is key. Get proactive about managing your money and seek advice if needed.

Neptune retrograde is like a cosmic wake-up call for your personal and financial life. Embrace it, and you'll come out stronger on the other side.

♍️ Virgo Rising

Get ready, because Neptune is going retrograde in your 7th house, and it's time to clean house when it comes to your relationships. This transit is all about shedding the toxic connections and nurturing the healthy ones.

First off, it's time to pull back the curtain on your closest relationships and look at them with fresh eyes. Are you seeing things clearly, or just seeing what you want to see? Neptune retrograde is your cosmic eye-opener, making it easier to examine and accept what’s actually happening in your interpersonal connections.

Are your partnerships balanced? If there's a nagging feeling in your gut, now’s the time to listen to it. Get real about where things stand, and you’ll be rewarded with stronger bonds that can both live up to your romantic fantasies and keep you grounded in reality.

Virgo Rising, you’re known for being practical and action-oriented. Neptune retrograde will challenge you to tweak this approach to better support your loved ones. Introspection time! Reflect on what needs changing in yourself to maintain long-lasting, happy personal and professional relationships.

Feeling like you're floating on air in your love life? That’s Neptune’s influence, but remember to keep your feet on the ground. It’s fun to live in a romantic fantasy, but don’t get completely lost in love. Balance is key.

As this retrograde progresses, you might notice certain toxic relationships start to dissolve. Let them go! This is the universe’s way of clearing out the junk to make room for healthier, more fulfilling connections.

On the other hand, your squad of ride-or-dies is leveling up their friendship game. Nurture these connections and appreciate the support system you have. Strengthening these bonds will provide a solid foundation for your personal and professional growth.

Neptune retrograde also brings an opportunity for self-reflection. Take a look at your own behaviors and attitudes. Are there any patterns that need changing? Making these adjustments will help you create more harmonious relationships.

Finally, remember that this period is all about clarity. Use this time to get a clear picture of your relationships and make necessary adjustments. The goal is to create partnerships that are both dreamy and grounded.

♎️ Libra Rising

Neptune’s playing the cosmic joker in your 6th House of health! Time to give your beauty and self-care routines a sassy makeover.

Feeling like your work-life balance is a bit like herding cats? Well, Neptune retrograde is your cue to fix it. Get real about what actually deserves your time and energy, and what’s just sucking the life out of you—because honey, you deserve some zen and spiritual glow-up.

Think you can juggle everything? Think again. Trim down that to-do list and sprinkle in some serious self-care. Life’s too short to be tangled up in the mundane. This retrograde’ s your golden ticket to spa days, meditation sessions, and ditching the daily grind for some soul-soothing me-time. Your usual social butterfly self might take a backseat, but it’s all about retreating into your comfy cocoon and recharging those fabulous scales.

Expect a major lifestyle wake-up call. Old habits that aren’t serving you? Toss ‘em! This season is all about shedding what’s dragging you down and stepping into a healthier, more balanced you. It’s like a cosmic detox—cleanse, reset, and get ready to shine brighter than a diamond.

Your journey doesn’t end there. Embrace the downtime, get cozy with your closest peeps, and remember, a little bit of “me-time” can work wonders. Think of it as hitting the refresh button on your entire existence. This isn’t just a pause; it’s a powerful recalibration of your life.

♏️ Scorpio Rising

Neptune retrogrades in Pisces in your 5th House of pleasure and creativity, leading you to change how you celebrate yourself and perhaps revalue privacy. 

Neptune has been bringing a beautiful flow of creative inspiration and romantic heart-flutters into your life, but Neptune’s flipping the script in your 5th House of Pleasure and creativity!

It’s time to rethink how you celebrate your fabulous self and maybe dial up the privacy settings.

Neptune’s been sprinkling your life with creative vibes and romantic tingles, but let’s be real, it’s easy to get lost in La-La Land. This retrograde is your cosmic nudge to stay grounded and turn those passion projects into reality. Because let’s face it, dreaming is fun, but doing is where the magic happens.

When it comes to romance, make sure you’re not head over heels for an illusion. Neptune’s fog can make that cutie look like Prince Charming, but reality check! This retrograde is about keeping it real in the love department. You’re intense and passionate, so use this energy to truly connect with your partner and fan those flames in unique ways.

Expect a surge of creativity to hit you like a tidal wave. Whether it's painting, writing, or some other artistic endeavor, now’s the time to dive in and let your inner artist shine. Use this period to ignite your passions and bring your creative projects to life.

Embrace the downtime and use it to recharge your emotional batteries. This isn’t just a pause; it’s a chance to reset and refocus. Create a sanctuary for yourself where you can relax and rejuvenate.

♐️ Sagittarius Rising

Neptune’s playing its mystical tricks in your 4th House of home and family! Time to rethink what makes you feel safe and consider a home makeover.

As the zodiac's resident wanderer, you've probably not been one to dwell on the past. But Neptune retrograde is nudging you to reconnect with your roots and draw some wisdom from your past selves.

Feeling a bit hazy about your foundation? This is your cosmic call to spiritually reconnect and find clarity. Have you been dodging long-standing issues at home or within your heart? The next few months offer a prime opportunity for some deep healing.

This retrograde is like your personal therapy session with the stars, helping you resolve those family matters that have been haunting you.

But wait, there’s more! Your adventurous spirit might feel a bit cooped up as your attention shifts to home and domestic life. Family-related issues will demand your focus, and guess what? It’s the perfect time to tackle those personal problems that have been cluttering your mind. Think of it as a soul declutter, getting rid of the old baggage and making room for new, vibrant energy.

Don’t fret, though—you’re not stuck in a rut forever. Neptune retrograde may burst your dream bubble, but it’s all about adjusting to reality and finding new ways to thrive. This is your chance to create a sanctuary at home, a place that truly reflects your spirit and supports your well-being.

♑️ Capricorn Rising

Ready for a cosmic shakeup? Neptune’s going retrograde in your 3rd House of communication, and it's about to flip your script on how you express yourself. Forget sticking to the dry, logical spiel—it's time to channel your inner poet and speak from the heart.

Get ready to blend your practical mindset with a dash of intuition for some truly magical conversations.

Finding it tough to put those deep thoughts into words? This retrograde is your chance to switch gears. Instead of overthinking, try feeling your way through your chats.

Let your intuition guide you, and you might be surprised at how naturally your feelings start to flow. Drop the masks and say what you mean—no more second-guessing if others are being genuine. Trust your gut; it’s got your back.

Curiosity is your new best friend. This period is all about exploring new ways to communicate and express yourself. Dive into conversations, ask questions, and let your inquisitive nature lead you to fresh insights and connections.

You’re going to feel a strong urge to reach out, meet new people, and develop meaningful relationships. Your social circle is about to expand, and your communication skills are getting a celestial upgrade.

As you navigate this period, remember that it’s okay to get a little sentimental. Connecting with others on a deeper level will bring you a sense of fulfillment and help you grow.

This isn’t just small talk; it’s about forging real, heartfelt connections. So, embrace the spiritual vibes, and let your conversations be guided by truth and authenticity.

♒️ Aquarius Rising

Neptune is going retrograde in your 2nd House of money and personal resources, and it’s about to give your financial world a reality check.

Time to stop daydreaming about winning the lottery and start focusing on what really matters—making sure your hard work is actually paying off.

Ever felt like society's ideas of success are a bit…off? This retrograde is your chance to tune out the noise and tune into what’s truly valuable to you. F

forget about keeping up with the Joneses and their shiny new toys. Instead, let your intuition guide you toward what’s genuinely worth your time and energy.

Got a knack for numbers? Now’s the perfect time to dive into those financial schemes and investment plans. As an intelligent and progressive air sign, you’ll find joy in studying different ways to grow your wealth.

This period is ripe for profits, so keep your eyes open for opportunities that promise long-term gains.

Neptune's hazy influence might have had you in dreamland, but the bubble is about to burst. Embrace the clarity that comes with this transit and adjust to a more realistic approach to your finances. It’s time to put your innovative ideas into action and make your money work for you.

Feeling the urge to clean up your financial act? Trust that your heart knows what it wants. Let your intuition lead the way, and you’ll find yourself on a path that aligns with your true values. This is your moment to ensure that your efforts are not just seen but properly compensated.

♓️ Pisces Rising

Get ready because Neptune, your ruling planet, is moonwalking backwards in your 1st house, asking you to fall back in love with yourself. This is the last full retrograde your cosmic ruler will make in your sign for more than 80 years, so it's time to tap into the magic and mystery that has surrounded your image for the past decade.

You’re about to embark on a deep, introspective journey, getting to know yourself on a more intuitive and spiritual level. You might not have a clear picture of how others perceive you, but that’s okay! Remember, you can't control the version of yourself that lives in other people's minds. The best thing you can do is stay true to the person you know you are inside.

This retrograde is your cosmic invitation to examine how you see yourself, your identity, and how you present yourself to the world.

Yes, you might wrestle with some existential questions, but you'll emerge from this phase wiser and more healed than before. Prepare for some new insights as you start seeing people for who they truly are. Though the revelations might not always be pleasant, they’ll help you figure out who you can trust moving forward.

As Neptune takes its backward spin, you're encouraged to let go of the past and focus on the now.

This is your chance to project that mystical depth you’ve been cultivating and showcase the magical you to the world. Don’t get hung up on how others see you—focus on staying authentic to yourself.

Embrace this time to rediscover and reconnect with your true self. You'll come out of this retrograde with a clearer understanding of your identity and a renewed sense of self-love.

What’s the wildest thing you’ve discovered about yourself during a Neptune retrograde? Drop your stories in the comments! Follow me for more cosmic insights and book a reading to uncover your unique astrological blueprint. Let’s navigate the stars together!

- Iris

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