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Transit Alert! Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 17, 2024

It's time to face your feelings and make some bold changes.

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

September 17, 2024 7:34pm PT / 10:34pm ET

Welcome to a Pisces lunar eclipse that’s basically like stepping into a dream where you’re half superhero, half therapist, and completely overwhelmed. This eclipse is ready to stir up those deep, murky feelings you’ve been hiding under the surface, kind of like accidentally finding that emotional junk drawer you've been ignoring. Ready or not, it’s time to dig through that mess, face your feelings, and make some bold changes.

This isn't just any full moon; it's the start of a new eclipse cycle that will play out until 2027, giving you two and a half years to get your life together—or at least try. Reflect on where you've been since the last eclipse in this part of the sky eight years ago, and get ready for the next chapter.

The lunar eclipse in Pisces doesn’t care about your carefully laid plans—it’s coming for your subconscious, and it’s got a flashlight. That soft, floaty energy you’ve been riding? Yeah, it's about to get a serious reality check. Expect to feel pulled between chasing your dreams and doing the day-to-day grind that keeps you grounded. It's like trying to enjoy your favorite TV show while your to-do list glares at you from the corner.

This eclipse is putting your emotional well-being in the spotlight. Relationships—whether with people, work, or even yourself—are due for a shake-up. You’ll likely find yourself at a turning point, realizing that something needs to change, whether it's a boundary you’ve been avoiding or a goal that no longer serves you. With Pluto and Uranus in the mix, expect the unexpected and brace for sudden realizations. Plot twist? Absolutely.

But hey, don’t freak out just yet. The influence of Pluto means this could be a great time for you to get cozy with your inner weirdo. Let your dreams guide you to the truth—just maybe not the part where you’re late for school with no pants on.

Feel like people are getting a little too close for comfort? That’s because the empathy dial is cranked up to eleven. You might feel like a sponge, soaking up everyone else’s emotions, leaving you in a fog of confusion about what's yours and what belongs to the barista who gave you side-eye. Time to set some boundaries before you start emotionally absorbing the vibes of every person in line at the grocery store.

The eclipse is all about finding balance. Virgo's need for structure is clashing with Pisces' love for a good daydream. Get ready to navigate between scheduling your life to perfection and wanting to stare at the clouds all day. Spoiler: neither extreme is going to win.

Don’t be surprised if this eclipse leaves you feeling like you need to break free from something—or someone. Maybe it's time to quit that job or walk away from a relationship that’s dragging you down. Pluto and Uranus have got your back on this, giving you the cosmic push you need to embrace your independence.

Creativity is at an all-time high, so if you’ve been sitting on a genius idea, now’s the time to let it fly. Just make sure you don’t get too lost in the dream world—remember, reality still exists. This eclipse might be magical, but it’s not an excuse to forget to pay your bills.

Feel like everyone’s trying to tell you how to live your life? That’s the Mercury-Saturn tension talking. It might feel like a clash of wills, with everyone thinking they know best. Pro tip: don’t engage. Save your energy for more important things, like figuring out how to navigate the emotional labyrinth this eclipse is throwing at you.

If there’s ever a time to focus on your spiritual well-being, it’s now. Pisces energy is making sure you’re hyper-aware of your need for peace, so take a break from the chaos. Meditate, daydream, do whatever helps you find that sweet spot between relaxation and revelation.

The mix of Pluto’s power and Neptune’s dreamy vibes is a perfect recipe for deep emotional work. Whether you’re ready or not, this eclipse is about transformation. The truth is going to come out, so be prepared to face it head-on. Embrace the change, or get dragged kicking and screaming—either way, the eclipse isn’t waiting for you.

Want to know what this all means for your chart? Trust me, it’s complicated, but that’s what I’m here for. Book a reading with me, and let’s get to the bottom of how this lunar eclipse is going to flip your world upside down—hopefully in the best way possible.

So, what’s your plan? Going to embrace the chaos or try to outsmart it? Drop your wildest lunar eclipse predictions in the comments, and let’s see who’s really got this cosmic madness figured out! Don’t forget to follow me for more astrology tea, and if you want to know how this eclipse is personally shaking up your world, book a reading with me. Let’s navigate this cosmic rollercoaster together!

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