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Transit Alert! Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse September 17, 2024: Impact by Rising Signs

Things are about to get weird!

Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse (Pisces)

September 17, 2024 7:34pm PT / 10:34pm ET

Impact by Rising Signs

♈️ Aries Rising

The Pisces lunar eclipse is shaking things up in your 12th house of self-undoing, which means it’s time to face those skeletons in your emotional closet. That emotional baggage you've been stashing away? Well, surprise! It's about to spill all over the floor, and you're going to have to deal with it.

This eclipse isn't exactly a gentle nudge; it's more like the universe handing you a cosmic broom and saying, "Clean up your mess." Expect some uncomfortable revelations about patterns you’ve been ignoring. You’re about to get a front-row seat to your own personal drama — whether you bought a ticket or not.

The eclipse also has its sights set on your 11th house, which covers friendships and community. Translation: Your social life could feel like a reality TV show, with plot twists and dramatic exits. Who’s in? Who’s out? Stay tuned because this cosmic soap opera is just heating up.

Over the past six months, you might have noticed some friends fading into the background while others have become your ride-or-die. Consider this eclipse the final casting call for your social squad — some people might get voted off the island, and you won’t even feel bad about it.

But hey, it’s not all bad news. While some relationships fade, others will shine brighter. You’ll know exactly who’s been in your corner, and those connections are about to get even stronger. Bonus points for the people who stick around when things get real.

This cosmic shake-up isn’t just about cutting ties — it’s also a chance to reflect on how much you've grown emotionally. Remember when that annoying coworker used to make you want to scream into a pillow? Now you're cool as a cucumber. Growth is subtle, but it’s happening, and this eclipse wants you to acknowledge it.

Speaking of growth, you’re also getting a crash course in spirituality, thanks to this eclipse lighting up your woo-woo zone. Expect random epiphanies, vivid dreams, and maybe a sudden urge to Google meditation techniques at 3 AM. Trust your gut — it’s trying to tell you something.

And don’t be surprised if your dream journal becomes your new therapist. Your subconscious is working overtime, and those late-night visions might just hold the key to some unresolved issues. Go ahead and decode those dreams — you’re practically the Sherlock Holmes of your own psyche now.

Now, let’s talk about your career and money situation, because, you know, adulting never stops. Thanks to the moon’s wild connection with Uranus and Pluto, this eclipse could throw you a curveball at work or with your finances. But in true "plot twist" fashion, what seems chaotic might just open the door to new opportunities.

Maybe you'll have a lightbulb moment about how to boost your income, or maybe you’ll get a chance to reassess your goals at work. Either way, don’t sleep on these changes — they could lead to some serious upgrades in your life.

By the time this eclipse season wraps up, you’ll be swimming in deep emotional waters. But don’t worry, it’s all part of the cosmic plan. Think of this as your chance to upgrade your internal software and get rid of the bugs that have been slowing you down.

This eclipse is like a cosmic life coach, gently (or not-so-gently) pushing you to nurture your soul. It’s not just about the external world; it’s about making sure your inner world is in tip-top shape too. Time to check in with your emotions and give your spirit some much-needed TLC.

Feeling ready for this emotional rollercoaster? How do you think this eclipse is going to shake things up in your life? Let’s get the conversation started — drop your thoughts in the comments below!

♉️ Taurus Rising

When the Pisces lunar eclipse rolls through your 11th house, it’s like the universe hitting shuffle on your friend list. You’ll be playing a game of “Who’s Still Here?” as you figure out which connections are legit and which ones were just tagging along for the ride. It's a cosmic audit of your social circle, and spoiler alert—some people may not make the cut.

This lunar eclipse isn’t here to play nice—it’s shaking things up in your house of friendships and long-term goals. Maybe that one friend who’s always “busy” when you need them is finally getting the boot. Or perhaps you’ll realize that your so-called squad has been subtly steering you away from your true ambitions. No more of that! It’s time to take the wheel and head straight for your own goals.

You could find yourself having that “aha” moment when it dawns on you that some people are more “frenemy” than friend. But hey, clarity is power! This eclipse is about cutting the dead weight, so don’t be afraid to Marie Kondo your relationships—if they don’t spark joy, they’ve gotta go.

Meanwhile, don’t be shocked if a random acquaintance suddenly becomes your new ride-or-die. The eclipse loves a plot twist, and this one’s about showing you who really vibes with your future. Your social group may be reshuffling, but trust that the people who stay are the ones who truly align with your path forward.

Feeling like your goals have been stuck in neutral? This eclipse is the cosmic jumpstart you didn’t know you needed. It’s the universe’s way of saying, “Stop waiting for permission to chase your dreams!” You’re being pushed to cut loose from anyone or anything holding you back, and start running toward what really matters to you.

But don’t just expect to say goodbye—this eclipse could also lead to some surprising reconnections. That friend who drifted away might suddenly come back into your orbit with a fresh perspective. Maybe they’ve been doing their own soul-searching and are ready to meet you on this new level.

If your career goals have been a little hazy lately, this eclipse could bring some much-needed clarity. It’s like the universe handing you a flashlight and saying, “Okay, now go find the path that actually lights you up.” Don’t be afraid to follow that spark—even if it means taking a totally different direction than you’d planned.

Feeling like you’re drowning in emotions? That’s just the eclipse helping you get in touch with what you really need, deep down. You’re being asked to look beyond the surface and figure out what—or who—truly feeds your soul.

This eclipse might stir up some old wounds or unresolved feelings, but that’s just part of the process. Think of it as the emotional spring cleaning you didn’t know you needed. Clear out the clutter so you can make space for new, more aligned connections.

If you’ve been giving too much of yourself to others, this eclipse will remind you to put yourself first. No more people-pleasing—it’s time to prioritize your own needs and goals. You’ll thank yourself later.

As the eclipse lights up your networking house, it might reveal some unexpected opportunities to collaborate with people who actually get you. Maybe it’s time to reach out to someone you admire or pitch that idea you’ve been sitting on. The right connections could lead to big breakthroughs.

And let’s not forget about your long-term dreams. If you’ve been coasting along, this eclipse is here to remind you that it’s time to get serious. Use this energy to refocus on what you truly want, and don’t be afraid to dream big!

Feeling stuck in a group that’s no longer a good fit? This eclipse could be the nudge you need to break away and find a community that really aligns with your values. Don’t be afraid to seek out new circles that inspire and support you.

This eclipse might feel like an emotional rollercoaster, but remember—it’s all part of the journey. Ride the waves, trust the process, and know that you’re being guided toward the right connections and opportunities.

Comment below if you’re feeling the social shake-up vibes already!

♊️ Gemini Rising

Your career zone is about to get hit by some cosmic turbulence as this Pisces lunar eclipse lights up your 10th house. Expect major shifts in how you’re seen professionally. Have you been feeling stuck in a dead-end job or lost on the path to your dream career? This eclipse could drop a plot twist right into your lap—whether you’re ready for it or not. Think of it as a cosmic intervention, pushing you to shake things up and realign with your true purpose.

In the past 6 months, you’ve probably made some strides in your career, but have you been feeling proud of those accomplishments? Or are you just checking boxes and going through the motions? This eclipse is like a neon sign flashing “Is this really what you want to be remembered for?” Heavy stuff, right? It’s your legacy that’s being questioned, and the universe wants to know if you’re ready to leave your mark in a way that truly reflects who you are.

This lunar shake-up isn’t just about work; it’s also about balance. You’ve been juggling your personal life and your professional ambitions, and guess what? This eclipse is here to tip the scales and make you confront where you’ve been giving too much or too little. It’s time to reassess those work-life boundaries and make sure your foundations are solid, especially at home. After all, a wobbly home life makes for a shaky career path.

Speaking of balance, you might notice that your dynamics with authority figures are shifting too. Whether it’s your boss, a mentor, or even how you view your own authority in your career, things are about to get interesting. This eclipse is asking you to claim your power, step up, and own your professional space like never before.

And let’s not forget the emotional side of things. The moon’s cozy connection with Pluto in your intimacy zone could mean it’s time to open up to someone close to you about your professional dreams and fears. It’s all about finding that emotional support system so you can move forward with confidence.

Feeling like your world is tilting a little off-kilter? That’s Jupiter forming a T-square to the lunar eclipse and Neptune, stirring up some larger-than-life emotions and maybe a bit of confusion. Don’t worry, though—Jupiter’s got your back, and you’ll likely land on your feet after all these shake-ups. It’s just a matter of trusting the process and having the courage to roll with the cosmic punches.

By the end of this eclipse season, you’ll be standing on more solid ground, ready to take on the world with renewed focus. It’s all part of a bigger picture that’s helping you craft a career—and life—that reflects the real you.

Ready to see how this lunar eclipse will turn your world upside down? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

♋️ Cancer Rising

Get ready for a mind-expanding journey because this lunar eclipse is about to rattle your 9th house, the place of adventure, spiritual growth, and all the big life questions you’ve probably been avoiding. Think of it like the universe throwing your comfort zone out the window and handing you a backpack full of existential dilemmas. It’s time to confront where you’re headed, what you believe in, and maybe even figure out why you still get lost using Google Maps.

This lunar eclipse is like an unsolicited life coach who insists that your personal growth needs a makeover. Over the past six months, you've been served plenty of lessons, but this eclipse? It's the ultimate pop quiz. You might find yourself unexpectedly questioning everything, from your career path to whether pineapple belongs on pizza. Spoiler: It doesn’t.

With the moon lighting up your 9th house, buckle up for some surprise “aha!” moments. Suddenly, everything feels like a teaching moment, whether it’s from a mentor, a book, or even that random conversation you had with the barista about the meaning of life (over a latte, naturally). Don’t be surprised if you’re hit with a craving to learn something new or pick up an entirely different philosophy on life. Just don’t go too deep down the YouTube rabbit hole—we’ve all been there.

Travel might be on your mind too. Maybe you’re itching to explore beyond your usual bubble, whether that’s by booking a trip or simply daydreaming about it. If you can’t physically get away, at least find a way to mentally wander through new landscapes. It’s the perfect time to expand your horizons, whether it’s through travel, education, or just diving into some wild new Netflix docuseries.

This eclipse is also shaking up your relationships. Ever feel like your social circle is shifting faster than you can keep track of? That’s the cosmos at work. Some connections will flourish, while others might just fade into the background. Don’t cling to what’s falling away; let it go. This is the universe’s way of Marie Kondo-ing your friendships. If they’re not sparking joy, it’s time to move on.

Career-wise, this eclipse might have you questioning your professional path. Are you doing what you truly love, or are you just going through the motions? Expect a few surprises that could push you toward something more aligned with your soul’s purpose. You might find a sudden urge to pivot in a new direction—or at least update your LinkedIn bio to sound a bit more like you’re living your best life.

Expect a bit of restlessness to kick in. You’ll probably feel a strong desire to shake things up and step out of the norm. Take that energy and run with it—literally or metaphorically. Get moving, whether it’s signing up for that half marathon (yikes) or just challenging yourself with something new.

Speaking of challenges, this eclipse is here to remind you that growth happens outside of your comfort zone. It’s not always pretty, but hey, that’s where the magic happens. Take those lessons you've learned, and turn them into actions that push you forward. There’s no going back now.

By the time this lunar eclipse energy passes, you’ll likely have a few more answers to life’s big questions—or at least, you’ll know which ones you’re ready to tackle. The 9th house is all about expanding your mind, so lean into it. Whether you’re learning something new, meeting new people, or just opening your mind to different possibilities, it’s all progress.

Now, here’s the real question: Where is this eclipse energy pushing you? What big moves are you ready to make? Drop your thoughts in the comments and let’s chat about how this wild cosmic ride is stirring things up in your life. And if you’re curious about how this eclipse impacts your chart on a deeper level, book a reading with me and we’ll dive right in. Follow me for more astro insights, because trust me, the stars are always up to something!

♌️ Leo Rising

Money and intimacy are about to take center stage as the Pisces lunar eclipse lights up your 8th house of shared resources, debts, and deep emotional bonds. It’s like the universe just handed you a cosmic bill, and no, you can’t ignore it this time. Time to face those financial skeletons in the closet, or worse—your feelings.

Think of this eclipse as your financial audit from the cosmos. If you've been acting like that extra credit card doesn’t exist, prepare for a reality check. But hey, if you’ve been adulting and actually saving, you might get a pleasant surprise. Either way, grab your calculator—and maybe some tissues.

Got some unresolved trust issues? This eclipse is like therapy, but without the hourly rate. Time to face the deeper stuff in your closest relationships. If you’ve been ghosting emotional intimacy, the universe is about to slide into your DMs with some serious questions.

You know that conversation about money you’ve been avoiding with your partner? Yeah, no more sidestepping. The eclipse will turn your “we’ll talk about it later” into “we’re talking about it now.” Good luck!

And let’s not forget self-worth. Whether it’s how you handle money or how you handle being ghosted by that friend who still owes you fifty bucks, it’s time to stop selling yourself short.

Feeling like taking a gamble? Uranus is here to spice things up with surprise opportunities—or curveballs. You might wake up to a random windfall or a sudden expense. Either way, don’t go betting it all on black just yet. Stay grounded, but maybe keep a party hat handy.

Speaking of surprises, how about those emotional skeletons in the closet? It’s like an uninvited guest at a party—showing up just when you thought you were safe. Time to do some emotional house cleaning and get rid of that old baggage.

Got trust issues? The eclipse will kindly drag those out for you too. Fun! It’s all about intimacy, baby. Dive deep or keep treading water, but trust that the universe won’t let you swim away from this one.

Wondering why you keep dreaming about your high school ex? Blame the eclipse. It’s pulling at all your unresolved emotional ties like a bad soap opera, but hey, at least it’s entertaining.

By the way, who’s holding the power in your relationships? If you've been letting someone else call the shots, this eclipse is here to remind you that it's your turn to drive. Don’t just ride shotgun—take the wheel.

Your self-worth is up for a cosmic makeover too. If you’ve been letting others determine your value (or paycheck), consider this your nudge to stand up and demand what you're truly worth. You're not a discount rack item, you’re couture.

This eclipse might also bring a sudden lightbulb moment about your finances. Maybe it's time to diversify, or finally start that “get rich quick” scheme you've been dreaming about. Just kidding—don’t do that. But seriously, watch for unexpected money moves.

And just when you thought you had it all figured out, Pluto swoops in to stir the pot with some intense relationship vibes. Whether it’s a business deal or romantic connection, things are about to get deep. Real deep.

Ready to feel like a financial superhero? This eclipse could give you the boost to fix old money issues, slay those debts, or even start a new income stream. Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility—and probably taxes.

How are you handling all these cosmic curveballs? Feeling like a financial wizard yet, or just a bit overwhelmed? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

♍️ Virgo Rising

Things are about to get real in your 7th house of relationships, as this Pisces lunar eclipse shakes up your commitments and connections—get ready for some cosmic revelations! This transit is putting a magnifying glass on all the relationships in your life, forcing you to figure out who’s staying and who’s getting the cosmic boot.

First off, if you've been avoiding a heart-to-heart with someone, well, the universe has other plans. It's time to face the music and address what’s been swept under the rug. Ready or not, the truth is coming out.

Feel like you’ve been pulling more than your fair share of weight in a partnership? The eclipse is here to hand you the "Enough is enough" card. It’s time to reassess those dynamics and set some new ground rules.

Speaking of reassessing, if you’ve been thinking about upgrading a relationship—whether it’s romantic, platonic, or professional—this is your moment. Think of it like the universe giving you a nudge to take things to the next level or make a clean break.

Now, let’s talk about that sneaky little thing called self-worth. Have you been letting someone walk all over you? Time to channel your inner Beyoncé and remind yourself of the queen (or king) that you are. Confidence is non-negotiable.

Pluto’s got a seat at the table too, stirring up your romance zone. Expect some intensity in your love life, whether that’s good or “let’s talk about this” kind of intensity. Either way, something’s about to shift in a major way.

With the eclipse shaking things up, you might notice that some relationships get a little rocky. But hey, better now than later, right? It’s all about clearing the clutter to make room for better, more balanced connections.

Ever feel like you’re constantly playing the role of peacekeeper? The universe is hitting the pause button on that. It's time to start asking, "What do I need?" and then go after it unapologetically.

And while we’re on the topic of needs, let’s talk boundaries. If someone’s been testing yours, this eclipse is the perfect time to lay down the law. No more bending over backward to keep the peace—it’s time to protect your energy.

By the end of this lunar cycle, you’ll have a much clearer idea of who’s in your corner and who’s just taking up space. Relationships are meant to uplift, not drain you—so don’t be afraid to cut the cord where necessary.

The 7th house is all about balance, so if things have been feeling off-kilter, you’re about to get a cosmic course correction. Whether it’s through deep conversations or sudden realizations, things are shifting.

Feel like you've been hiding behind someone else’s success or identity? This eclipse might push you to reclaim your own power and individuality. It’s your time to shine, baby.

By the time the dust settles, you’ll know exactly where you stand with the people around you—and more importantly, where you stand with yourself. Trust the process, even if it’s uncomfortable.

This is your wake-up call to stop settling. Whether it’s in love, work, or friendships, the eclipse is here to remind you that you deserve nothing but the best.

Ready to take the plunge? How do you think this eclipse will shake up your world? Let me know in the comments!

♎️ Libra Rising

Let’s talk about getting your life together, shall we? This lunar eclipse is coming for your 6th house, which governs daily routines, health, and work life. If you’ve been sliding off the wagon with your to-do list or letting your healthy habits take a backseat, this eclipse is here to whip things back into shape. Whether you've skipped a few workouts or let that job search fizzle out, it’s time to get real with yourself about what’s working and what’s not.

Over the last six months, you may have felt a pull toward routines that nourish you, but also, let’s be honest—some of us let the routine slide into chaos. The eclipse is about to show you what happens when you’ve stayed on track versus when things went sideways. No judgment, just a cosmic nudge to figure out how to realign your daily life with your actual goals.

This eclipse is like the universe giving you a to-do list makeover. But instead of boring tasks, it’s reminding you to prioritize self-care, wellness, and meaningful work. Time to ask yourself: is your hustle really fulfilling, or are you just spinning your wheels? Spoiler: the stars think you deserve better.

And while you’re busy revamping your daily life, don’t forget about that wild Uranus energy lurking in your intimacy zone. This could mean a sudden shift in shared resources or a big aha moment about how you and a partner handle money or emotional support. It’s like, “Surprise! Time to change things up!”—but in a way that could lead to deeper connections and better balance.

If you've been feeling stuck in a rut or overwhelmed by mundane responsibilities, this eclipse is your ticket to clearing the clutter. Whether it's decluttering your mental space, cleaning up your finances, or finally finding a workout routine that doesn’t make you want to cry—this is the time to get practical and spiritual at the same time.

And let's talk about your health. Have you been ignoring those little signs your body’s giving you? It’s time to listen up. Whether it’s about physical health or mental wellness, this eclipse wants you to get serious about taking care of number one. Because guess what? You can’t pour from an empty cup.

The stars are also hinting at a possible collaboration—maybe a project at work, or even something personal with a partner—that could help you get closer to your goals. Keep an eye out for unexpected opportunities that seem to pop out of nowhere.

Feeling a little existential about your purpose lately? Don’t be surprised if this eclipse brings clarity to your spiritual life too. Whether you’ve been meditating more or just questioning the bigger picture, this is a great time to dive deeper into what makes you feel grounded and fulfilled.

All in all, this lunar event is asking you to give your day-to-day life a glow-up. It’s not just about checking boxes; it’s about creating a routine that feeds your soul and keeps you moving forward. Whether you’re ready to hit the reset button on your health, work, or even your relationships, the eclipse has your back.

So, how are you feeling about this cosmic spring cleaning? Are you ready to take control of your routine and get your life together? Drop your thoughts in the comments!

♏️ Scorpio Rising

Creativity is about to hit you like a cosmic tidal wave, as this Pisces lunar eclipse crashes into your 5th house of joy and passion. If you’ve been feeling stuck in a routine or buried under life’s responsibilities, brace yourself—this is your moment to reclaim your sparkle. That dusty passion project? Yeah, it’s time to dust it off and give it some love. Been holding back on the dating scene? Prepare to be drawn toward something—or someone—that lights your fire.

This isn’t just about doing something fun. It’s about diving deep into what really makes you come alive. Whether it’s a hobby you love, a new creative venture, or rediscovering the joy of simple pleasures, this eclipse is pushing you to make space for what feeds your soul. It’s all about prioritizing what brings you genuine happiness, and maybe even shaking off those expectations you’ve placed on yourself.

You might feel a sudden urge to get back into the creative flow. Whether it’s painting, writing, dancing, or something completely wild, this eclipse wants you to unleash your inner artist. Trust those creative impulses—they’re guiding you toward something exciting.

Romance might also be on the table. If you’ve been holding back on letting love in, or if you’ve been stuck in a stagnant relationship, this eclipse is giving you a nudge. It’s time to open up, be vulnerable, and let love—and passion—take center stage. Something new could bloom, or existing connections might deepen in unexpected ways.

And let’s not forget, this eclipse is making friendly waves with rebellious Uranus in your partnership zone. That means any shake-ups or surprises in your relationships could lead to positive growth. Don’t be afraid to speak up about what you need, whether it’s in your love life or friendships. Now’s the time to get real about your desires.

Networking could take on a whole new meaning for you, too. As this eclipse sets off a series of events, your social and creative circles might change in ways you didn’t see coming. Maybe you’ll find a new tribe of like-minded souls who support your passions—or maybe you’ll need to step back from some relationships that no longer serve you.

This is a big moment for self-expression. You’re being called to share your voice, your talents, and your authentic self with the world. If you’ve been holding back or playing it small, this eclipse is here to push you into the spotlight. Let that creativity flow and trust that what you have to say is worth hearing.

The energy surrounding this eclipse is all about breaking free from the mundane and tapping into something deeper. You might feel a surge of inspiration that transforms not just your creative projects, but also the way you approach joy in your everyday life. This isn’t just about having fun—it’s about making joy a priority.

As you ride this creative wave, don’t be surprised if you find yourself reflecting on what truly brings you happiness. The eclipse is showing you that joy is not just a luxury; it’s a necessity. So whether it’s a solo project, a collaborative endeavor, or a deep dive into romance, go all in.

Are you ready to rediscover your joy and passion? How are you planning to ride this creative wave? Drop a comment and let me know!

♐️ Sagittarius Rising

Ready for a blast from the past? This eclipse is throwing a spotlight on your 4th house of home and family, which means you’re about to dive deep into all things personal. Whether you've been playing family detective, spending a little too much time indoors, or just trying to figure out what “home” really means to you, the cosmic gears are turning. But here’s the kicker: this eclipse won’t let you stay in your cozy little cocoon. Get ready for some unexpected shake-ups with your home life, family, or maybe even that long-lost ancestor you've been curious about.

If you've been living in nostalgia land, it’s time to step out of the past. These past six months may have been all about family matters and regrouping, but the universe is now giving you the nudge to break free. Maybe it's time to address that emotional baggage you’ve been sweeping under the rug or make peace with the family dynamics that have been weighing you down. Whatever it is, this eclipse is making sure you won’t miss it!

Let’s talk about that inner world of yours. This lunar eclipse is pulling focus on your emotional foundations, meaning you might be confronting some deep-seated feelings you didn’t even know were bubbling under the surface. Are your roots holding you back or propping you up? Time to find out. This eclipse is like a giant cosmic spotlight, illuminating those unresolved emotional stressors that have been lurking in the shadows, just waiting for their close-up.

But wait, there's more! With Pluto poking around in your money zone, you might realize that your emotional life and your self-worth are more intertwined than you thought. Feeling stuck in your career? Struggling with self-esteem? This eclipse might reveal some insights on how your family history, early life, or emotional wounds are affecting your wallet and your work. It's a real "connect the dots" moment, and the revelations could be game-changers.

Now, don’t freak out if things get weird at home—whether it’s an unexpected family drama, a sudden move, or just a surprise renovation project gone wild, the energy of this eclipse loves to stir the pot. It’s all part of clearing out the old to make way for something new and improved. Think of it as your cosmic home makeover, with a touch of chaos for good measure.

Feeling emotionally exposed? That’s par for the course with this eclipse. It’s not about hiding from those big feelings anymore; it’s about embracing them, processing them, and maybe even using them to chart a new path forward. Don’t be afraid to dive into the deep end of your emotions—you’ll come out stronger and more self-aware on the other side.

As the eclipse closes in, you might also notice a shift in your relationship with your physical space. Whether you’re rethinking your living situation or just redecorating, it’s time to create a space that truly feels like home. This eclipse isn’t just about healing your emotional landscape; it’s about making sure your external environment reflects that inner growth.

So, how’s this cosmic shake-up going to impact your life? Drop a comment with your thoughts and let’s talk!

♑️ Capricorn Rising

The Pisces lunar eclipse is sending shockwaves straight into your 3rd house of communication and connections. That’s right, your local neighborhood gossip is about to turn cosmic, and the universe might just drop a message in your lap like an overdue text. If you’ve been missing signs from the universe, this eclipse might as well be a neon billboard saying, “Wake up!”

Communication vibes will be buzzing, and not just from your phone notifications. You’ll start noticing all those little synchronicities you’ve been shrugging off, like seeing the same number three times or bumping into someone who has the exact advice you need. Coincidence? The stars say no. This is your cue to listen up because the universe has some gossip to spill. Pay attention to conversations that seem casual — they might be packing more wisdom than you realize.

You’ve probably been focused on your local surroundings, right? Well, things are about to get a lot more interesting. That random dog-walker you always see might just be the key to unlocking a deeper insight. Look around. Who’s been popping up in your life lately? You might find some new connections in the most unexpected places.

Speaking of which, ever notice how your favorite coffee spot seems to be a hub for major epiphanies? It’s not just the caffeine; this eclipse is turning your daily routine into a cosmic scavenger hunt for wisdom. Your immediate environment holds more answers than Google ever could.

This energy is also perfect for learning something new. Have you been meaning to dive into a podcast, book, or random DIY hobby? Now’s your chance. Feed your brain some fresh knowledge because the universe is supercharging your curiosity. Who knows, you might just find the missing puzzle piece to a personal mystery.

And let’s not forget your siblings, neighbors, or that random person you always see at the dog park. Connections with these folks could suddenly feel more meaningful. Don’t be surprised if a casual chat turns into a deeper conversation that leaves you thinking about your place in the world. Keep an ear out — you never know who might drop a truth bomb.

With Pluto giving your intuition a nudge, expect to feel like a human lie detector. The vibes don’t lie, so trust those gut feelings when they hit. If something feels off, it probably is. Use this heightened awareness to dodge any energy vampires in your circle.

Feeling restless? That’s Pluto messing with your mind. This eclipse is going to shake things up, so if you’re feeling antsy, maybe it’s time to start brainstorming your next big idea. Whether it’s a side hustle or a project you’ve been putting off, now’s the time to scribble down those thoughts and get things rolling.

Ready to embrace your inner Sherlock Holmes? This transit is all about uncovering hidden truths, so keep your detective hat on. A little digging might just reveal something about yourself or others that you hadn’t noticed before. Plot twist, anyone?

As this eclipse activates your 3rd house, it's also sparking a desire to reconnect with old friends or siblings. Reach out, send that “Hey, it’s been a while” text, and see where it leads. You might be surprised by the depth of conversation that follows.

Oh, and don’t be surprised if your day-to-day schedule gets thrown off. Eclipse energy can be chaotic, so roll with the punches and embrace the unexpected. That canceled meeting or spontaneous hangout might lead to something serendipitous.

And now, for the big finish: How’s this eclipse shaking up your world? Drop your weirdest synchronicity stories in the comments.

♒️ Aquarius Rising

No more skating by—this Lunar Eclipse is shaking things up in your 2nd house of money, assets, and self-worth. Time to assess what really adds value to your life. That thing you’ve been holding onto because it "might be useful someday?" Yeah, it’s time to let that go. This eclipse is all about taking a hard look at what’s filling your pockets—and more importantly, what’s filling your heart. Spoiler alert: it might not be the same thing.

This lunar cycle has probably had you reflecting on how much you’re worth—and we’re not talking just about dollars and cents. Have you been underselling yourself or letting lowball offers slide? Well, the universe is not having it anymore. Prepare for some revelations around your personal value system and maybe even a few tough choices about what (or who) stays and what goes. Expect to feel a shift in how you handle those dollars and cents—and your sense of self-worth—because this eclipse is nudging you to prioritize what truly matters.

Forget those old habits of hoarding or hustling that aren’t doing anything for your bank account or your soul. This eclipse demands you re-evaluate not just your stuff but your emotional and spiritual ties to it. Maybe that pricey gadget was cool, but is it really doing the job of making you feel accomplished? This is a good time to Marie Kondo your whole life, emotionally and materially.

And since the moon is shining a light on your value system, don’t be surprised if something goes down with your cash flow. Whether it’s realizing your current job isn’t cutting it anymore or getting a sudden opportunity that aligns more with who you are now, expect a few twists. Just make sure you’re valuing yourself as much as you’re valuing the paycheck.

This energy doesn’t stop with your finances, either. The eclipse also calls for a closer look at your relationships and joint resources. If someone’s been riding your coattails or you’ve been too generous with your time and energy, this eclipse is bringing it into focus. It’s time to balance the give-and-take, whether it’s with loved ones or business partners.

With the eclipse spotlighting your self-worth, it might be time to stop being so hard on yourself. Ever feel like you’re constantly hustling for approval? This lunation says, "Cut it out!" Real value comes from within, and this eclipse is here to remind you that you don’t need external validation.

Feeling like you’re on the verge of a breakthrough? That’s because this eclipse is pushing you to step up your game. Whatever doubts or insecurities you’ve been holding onto, now’s the time to ditch them. It’s time to align your values with your actions—and trust that the universe is nudging you in the right direction.

Feeling a little restless? That’s Pluto’s doing. With the moon making a friendly connection to the planet of transformation in your sign, you’re about to unlock some serious inner power. Trust those gut feelings—they’re steering you toward something big.

So buckle up! You’re about to have some major realizations about how you spend, save, and value not just your money but your life energy. Are you trading too much time for not enough value? The eclipse might just have the answer.

Ready for that cosmic push? How do you think this eclipse will impact your relationship with your self-worth and finances? Let me know in the comments below!

♓️ Pisces Rising

Massive transformations are brewing as the Pisces Lunar Eclipse shines a spotlight on your 1st house of identity. It’s time to face yourself—no filters, no illusions. The past 6 months? They’ve been your personal prelude to the epic identity remix that’s about to hit. This eclipse isn’t interested in polite knocks—it’s kicking the door open, asking, “Who are you really?”

This lunar eclipse is the perfect time to shed any outdated personas you’ve been clinging to. You know the ones—those masks you put on to fit in, or the self you thought you had to be. Now’s the time to ditch all that and let your true self shine. It’s like a cosmic makeover, but instead of getting new hair, you’re getting a whole new vibe.

The moon’s cozy link-up with your ruler, Neptune, might have you feeling a little dreamy, like you’re floating in and out of reality. But here’s the kicker: It’s time to snap out of the fog and get real. No more hiding behind those fantasies of what could be. This eclipse is exposing the truth behind your escapist tendencies, and it’s pushing you to be honest about who you are and how you show up.

And speaking of energy—are you projecting the real you or some version of yourself from 2015? You’ve been working on your inner self—growing, shifting, and evolving. But what about how others see you? This eclipse is going to make you question whether your outside matches the inside. It’s not just about what you think of yourself; it’s about how you project that self to the world. The cosmic spotlight is ON, and it’s time to check if the vibe you’re putting out is the one you actually want. The days of “faking it till you make it” are over. Time to be the main character in your own show, baby! People will start to see you differently, and if you’ve been pretending to be someone you’re not, things are about to get real awkward.

Feeling all the feels? Blame it on the moon. It’s about to turn your emotional dial up to max. But hey, emotional roller coasters build character, right? The real question is, are you going to hold on for dear life or throw your hands up and scream into the void? (The void probably doesn’t care, but it’s cathartic.)

While you’re busy shedding your old self like a snake shedding its skin (cue the visual), this eclipse is also throwing some relationship revelations your way. Those one-on-one connections? Prepare for plot twists. Some of them might not make it to the next season of your life. It's the cosmic version of “we need to talk.” Maybe it’s time to cut the toxic ties and focus on the relationships that actually make you feel alive. You know, the ones that cheer you on when you're feeling like the hottest mess on the planet. Or maybe you’ve been holding onto a relationship for dear life, thinking it’s going to fix itself. Spoiler alert: It’s not.

Now, if your instincts are telling you to lean on someone you trust, do it. You don’t have to walk through this transformation solo. Your partner, bestie, or that random person who gets you—they’ll help you keep your feet on the ground when everything else feels like it's floating in a Neptunian haze.

So, what’s the new you going to look like? Hint: Probably someone who’s finally done with the BS and ready to live unapologetically. Reflect on your growth, but don’t get too comfy with the past—you’re headed for something way cooler than you can even imagine.

Ready to ditch the old mask and let the real you step into the spotlight? Tell me how you’re embracing this cosmic shift in the comments below!

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